The many faces that we wear

    Before reading this look into the mirror and try to understand the emotion that you are feeling at the very moment. You might be happy, you may be sad, you could be tired of the hectic day or just outright frustrated or you might feel a combination of many emotions. It's very difficult to fathom the emotions, the feelings. These things cannot be articulated, they can neither be measured. But then look at an infant you can easily determine what emotion he/she is having. Either the baby may be crying or laughing with joy. That is because the child doesn't have to deal with the tyranny of the world that we live in. A child behaves in a similar way both with elders or with children his own age unless he is taught to behave in a certain manner. Till this point the child is innocent but once a child goes to school he starts to realise that I must respect my elders, my teachers even though he likes or not that's when he first learns to wear a mask, a face. Wearing faces means behaving differently with different people. We tend to make our assumptions, our calculations that, what this person might feel if we act a certain way. This way our emotions become measured.
    Think, our most liked profession is obviously that of an actor. An actor plays different characters. We tend to forget who the real person is and go in the imaginary world and just focus on the reel person. We ourselves are also actors. When the person in front of us is an elder then we behave respectfully, we tend to stand and talk and even if that person cracks a lame joke we just give a grin smile if not a huge laughter. If a person we are supposed to talk is inferior to us then the way of our speech changes. We proudly boost our accomplishments and avoid our weaknesses. We behave differently with our family members, we can be innocent, lame, goofy and stupid at the same time. But with our friends we can be ourselves, but trust is very important. Not only behaving in a certain way, but also we tend to align our likes and dislikes in accordance to the people we meet.
     Wearing these many faces isn't wrong in any way actually it's good that it keeps us on our toes. There are a myriad of emotions and feelings out there but we must preserve our true identity, our true self.
 - the emojis ,we hide our emotions by just posting an emoji rather than just speaking.


  1. gud 1 bro and reading this blog reminds me that we carry too many faces which get changes from one phase to another acc to situation...;)keep it up..:)

  2. Thanks Rohan I hope ours never change when we meet 😉

  3. Emotions surely play a great role in making us great actors of the real life!one more amazing blog by you.. Keep writing 👍


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