Resolutions 2K17

     This is my most favourite part of the year. The Christmas vacations and everyone's busy planning the New year's Eve but at the back of everybody's mind is a question, What resolution should I make for 2017 ? A new year resolution is a decision to do or not to do something in order to accomplish a personal goal or break a habit. After a bit of digging I found that this 'resolution' thing was started by the Romans, each year they began making promises to the god Janus, after whom the month of January is named.
   The most common new year resolutions are:
To exercise/ lose weight, quit smoking or drinking, eat healthier food rather than the pizzas and the burgers, managing stress better, enjoying life to the fullest and travelling with your family and friends, improving on relationships, doing something for charity. But surprisingly according to a survey, out of all the resolutions only 75% continue through the entire first week of January and only 46% make it past six months. Also, only 39% of people in their 20s achieve the resolution while only 14% over 50 achieve their resolution.
      Personally I have set a few resolutions which I do every year but it mostly fizzles out by Jan end. But this year I've decided that my resolution ought to be S.M.A.R.T. ie, Specific , Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely. I've resolved to stop procrastinating things, go for morning walks daily, getting organized, have a better sleep which I never do because of the many American shows that I've to watch so I'll cut down on those too, read more, spend less save more, but most importantly I'm going to learn two new languages this year - German and French.
      So my goals have these five characteristics,
1.Specific : My goal to learn two languages is clearly outlined and I know the action that I'm going to take is specific.
2.Measurable : My goal is clear enough and it can be easily measured that I've learned it or not.
3.Achievable : Yes, my goal is a bit difficult but also yes is not far fetched. I'll have to go outside my comfort zone but it's achievable.
4.Relevant : My goal is important for me as I further want to teach it to other people, so my goal is in line with my broader long term goals.
5.Timely : My goal is also attainable in a short term, at the most it would take me the whole year but only weekends so I won't lose my steam mid way. ( This is a method I've read in Mirror)
     The obvious reasons why we don't don't follow what we resolve is mostly because we don't have a routine or we think we aren't skilled enough or our goals are poorly defined or may be we have too many goals that we forget to keep track but the most important reason is that we are afraid to fall. The fear of failure always haunts us. So, get up and make your resolutions and wake up this new year optimistically and complete your resolutions.

( P.S. Another resolution of mine is that I'll write a blog every week so keep reading and your comments are appreciated.)


  1. reading this last blog of 2k16 will help me to achieve my goals in 2k17 and as well wish u best of luck bro for writing such blogs which will help others to identify one which is hidden in between ours.loved your way of writing.keep it up and waiting for the new blog of 2k17 on next sunday...;)

  2. reading this last blog of 2k16 will help me to achieve my goals in 2k17 and as well wish u best of luck bro for writing such blogs which will help others to identify one which is hidden in between ours.loved your way of writing.keep it up and waiting for the new blog of 2k17 on next sunday...;)

  3. All d best for ur weekends....😄😄

  4. Just do a double check before u publish a blog any goal shud be smart we do this a lot in tfi . Good read tho . Adding the number of words or time to read the blog helps to.


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